03 December 2007

Wow! The responses have been great!

Today has been a great day! I check my email and there was a ton of mail from wonderful business women inquiring about being a Posh Goddess™! I am so excited! I knew that there would be some interested but I didn't know how soon and I didn't know how many! The internet is wonderful! So as a result of all the interested applicants I have created another blog page called Posh Goddess™ of the Day (http://poshgoddessoftheday.blogspot.com/) here I will feature a Posh Goddess™ everyday! The woman that stands out the most each week will be featured here on this blog page and the new one! Thank you wonderful women so much for your interest and being a part of my business network; continue to prosper in all that you do. I see this network as not only a positive thing for us Posh Goddesses but something that is going to continue to grown and succeed, thanks to all you dedicated influential business woman!

*Note you may also retrieve a copy of the information I need you interested applicants to send me for consideration to be featured at the new blog(http://poshgoddessoftheday.blogspot.com/) until next week it is the only entry that will be on there. I changed the format around and added a few things from the initial blog entry listed below. You may also email me and I'll send it to you as an attachment.

Have a great business week! I look forward to hearing from all of you and spread the word!

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