I took some time off, but I'm back! I have been so busy, busy, busy! Thanks to all the Posh Goddesses out there that have showed that they are interested with what I am trying to do! I'm doing this for us!
Yesterday during my stop to pick up diapers, baby food, and toiletries; I purchased Alicia Keys new album As I am. I am already a big fan of hers, I absolutely love this album! Every track had something I could relate to or wouldn't mind listening to. I don't really have a favorite but I must say that I dedicate her song Superwoman to ALL the Posh Goddesses out there! If you haven't already purchased it be sure to do so in the very near future! It is definitely worth it. She is so talented and beautiful. We all are in our own ways though, you may not be a singer or a songwriter (or you maybe!) but if you figure out what you are good at and hone in on those skills and perfect it, like Ms. Keys you'll always give a #1 performance and shine doing exactly what you know and love! Go for it! Reach for the moon because even if you miss you'll still be among the stars!
Two days before the official launch of Posh Goddess™ of the Day I'm so excited! Have a great weekend!
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll still get run over if you just sit there!" ~Will Rogers
1 comment:
In this time of sample and covered music, Alicia is phenomenal. She not only is a prodigal pianist, crystal clear songstress but she is the consummate Posh Goddess!!
In addition to keeping her vast musical following (in and out of the industry)sufficiently satisfied, her selflessness is exemplified in the charity work that she passionately supports.
Alicia is a dedicated supporter of "Keep a Child Alive". "Keep a Child Alive's" goal and purpose is to help the children of Africa and India beat the battle with AIDS by bringing much needed drugs to these, otherwise, hopeless children.
To find out more and to join Alicia in the fight for these children of tommorrow, visit:
WISEOYSTERS.BLOGSPOT.COM and see the short article about this fight.
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