05 February 2008
A Success Business Woman is Putting it Mildly...
21 January 2008
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!!
I am going to keep this entry brief because I really want to honor Dr. King. This weekend was not long enough! Beautiful had her first fever of 101.9 degrees. So of course like a new mother I panicked (she's a little over 11 months old!). I called her doctor Friday evening and she directed me to get some children's motrin, and give her a warm bath and repeat this over the weekend until the virus was out of her system. So of course that is what I did! Her father and I began cleaning the basement which I thought would only be a 3 or 4 hour project, but is looking more like a three or four day project! So anyway I think that's it's important to honor and recognize Dr. King on this day so I'm am going to leave a quote of his that I like and perserve his legacy.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life."
17 January 2008

Anything is possible! Just ask Ms. Oprah Winfrey. She's a dreamer's role model, and entrepreneur's inspiration and success story, and an unbeliever's proof that there is light at the other side of the tunnel! {Not to mention the ultimate Posh Goddess (tm)!!!} Ms. Winfrey just recently announced that she is launching her very own cable channel next year after June 2009 with Silver Spring, MD's Discovery Communications conglomerate. This network titled OWN (Oprah Winfrey's Network) will present and feature Oprah's visions and ideas, unlike the Oxygen network of which Oprah was merely an investor. She will serve as the co-owner and the chairman of the network. Go Oprah! Way to start of the new year. Hit the ground running and don't look back! Only focus on the future at hand. So yes indeed anything is possible as long asl you claim and maintain your position as the driver of your own destiny. For if you are in fact the passenger of your own life you'll only go as far as someone else's dreams and goals; someone else's journey. You'll never feel happy or complete until you hop into the driver's seat and steer the wheel. Control your life~ don't be controlled! Start right now jotting down your long-term and short term dreams and goals. Use this as your guide/path to success. Call it your blueprint or map. All of us that drive knows there are times when we get lost, reach dead ends, or find that certain streets have changed names or don't exist. When that happens we simply back track and get back on the right path. Do the same with your life. Get out your map (dream/goals/life plans) and back track to get back on the right path. Drive your way to the success that you know you are capable of obtaining. And remember: Anything is Possible...because it is!!!
15 January 2008
Happy Late New Year!

I know! I know! I'm super late with the whole 'Happy New Year' bit but, you know what they say: "Better late than never!" This has already been and will continue to be a wonderful and prosperous new year! Posh Goddess (tm) is doing so well! I am going to continue to expand upon it. I have big things in store for 2008 and the years to come. Be sure to check out this week's wonderful Posh Goddess (tm) Joan Baker she is drop dead gorgeous, inspirational, and very successful! All the necessary elements for being a Posh Goddess (tm). Particularly the successful part.
My daughter, Beautiful is doing wonderful! She'll be eleven months tomorrow. It's funny how time flies. Her father and I couldn't be more proud of her. We are still deciding exactly what we are going to do for her very first birthday. We know that it is going to be intimate with only family members, but we still need to plan for the day. Her Ma-Z (our name for grandmother pronounced muzzy) wants her to have a designer cake. I want something simple! I think we'll compromise and she get the cake of her choice and I get mine ~ two is better than one! (or is it?) Whatever happens I'll be sure to let you know.
Brandy Adamson of Alive Incorporated and also a Posh Goddess that has been featured, emailed me about being featured in her magazine in February, luckily for me I checked my email a day before the deadline! So so it isn't just the blog I have been neglecting it's everything computer related! What can I say I have been super busy, busy, busy. If I had six arms I still would have been to busy to be on the computer! Success = Busy! Busy! Busy! But anyway I got the necessary info to her today before five and I will keep you posted when that feature is published.
The writer of Da Vinci's Blog which I just so happen to love by the way contacted me on my myspace page for friendship and to inform me about her blog. Unbeknownst to her I am already a fan! I did inform her though that I am already a fan and that she has my support. Check her blog out when you get a chance!
I am cooking dinner and it's pretty much done (always multitasking!) so I'm leaving you that fast! But I promise to be back possibly tomorrow and one of my new years resolutions is to be more consistant with these blog entries!